Gill Arukpe
Group Chief Executive
Social Interest Group
Gill is Group Chief Executive and an Executive Trustee of the Social Interest Group.
Gill established the Social Interest Group in September 2014, creating a flat governance structure which allows her to oversee Penrose Options, Penrose Works Ltd and Equinox Care (the three founder members of the Social Interest Group). The Social Interest Group’s mission is to work in partnership to deliver high quality health and social care through supporting and rehabilitating at the point of need, wherever that need may be.
Gill started her career by opening and running two women’s refuges when she was just 18 years of age in the early 1980s. Since then, she has volunteered in a number of voluntary organisations and was a Trustee for a variety of offender supported housing, mental health and learning disability services.
She worked for Shelter in a variety of roles over 13 years, including development and senior management. She then worked for a registered housing association where she was Director of Operations and Development. She moved on to be a Director of Business Development for Turning Point and specialised in developing and providing substance misuse, mental health and learning disabilities services for vulnerable adults.
As a strong leader with vision and strategy, Gill secured a large part in the London CRC for Penrose Options. This contract involves Penrose Options supporting all offenders in the London rehabilitation prisons and 4,000 in the community every year.